Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Derek MacDonald - Who is he

Alstons B.C. Ltd has experienced some changes lately as you will have noticed from our front page item. We are aware that a number of our customers have not known the company structure in the past. We're sure most of you know Gordon Alston ,who can be seen on the far left of this photo, was a director of the company. You may be less aware that Derek MacDonald, who can be seen on the far right of this photo, has also been a director of the company since 2007. Gordon has resigned from the company with effect from 19th March 2010. Derek continues as the managing director and has since appointed Frances MacDonald as a director to assist him. John Foster has mainly taken over the sales roll and is in the process of visiting our customers, however if you need to speak to him before he sees you please do not hesitate to contact us. We are confident that the changes we have made and the changes planned for the near future will have a very positive effect on both our business and yours.

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